Warm party history cast party spirit with the party


"If you want to know the road, you must first be history". The 100-year history of the Communist Party of China is a history of development and struggle, but also a treasure house of rich implications. A Party history is a history of inheriting the red gene, keeping in mind the mission of the founding, and making unremitting efforts for ideals and beliefs. In order to celebrate the centenary of the Party and encourage Party members and grass-roots Party organizations to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the Party, Zhejiang Jasan Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary bases actively carried out the themed Party building activities of "Warming the history of the Party, forming the spirit of the Party and following the Party", which were serious and simple, and all Party members once again deeply received glorious revolutionary education baptism.

On June 5, the Party branch of Shaoxing Base organized a red tour to visit the revolutionary memorial site of Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing ----.

On June 20, the Party branch of the Jiangshan Base organized a "Party history education activity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" and organized Party members to visit the Dachen Red Education Base and watch a video of the advance team of the Red Army heading north to resist the Japanese invasion in Dachen, Jiangshan

On June 27, the Party branch of the Guizhou Base and the joint branch of enterprises in local development zones jointly carried out the themed Party Day activity of "Retracing the Red Army Road and inheriting the Red gene".

On June 29, the Party branch of the Group held a tribute to the centennial of the Party's founding in the conference room of the headquarters. Under the organization of the Party branch secretary Zhang Wangwang and the leadership of the chairman Zhang Maoyi, the party revisited the oath of membership and watched the red educational video. Subsequently, the Party branch of the group held a forum for party members. Zhang Maoyi, chairman of Zhejiang Jasan Group Co., LTD., as a veteran party member, said at the meeting: "On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the Party, it is very meaningful to renew the oath of membership. The past 100 years are indeed very memorable. In particular, since its founding, the Party has guided China from standing up to becoming rich to becoming strong. Looking around the world, no political party has been so powerful and so supported by the people. I am fully aware that every step of my growth and the development of our company has been achieved under the guidance of the Party's policies. From the founding of Gensen Group in 1996, to the later corporate restructuring, to the later listing of the enterprise, to the establishment of the Vietnamese company, all these are following the Party's policy, vigorously developing the private economy, "One Belt, One Road" policy guidance. Therefore, without the Communist Party, there would be no new China. This is not an empty statement, but a real one. Therefore, as an enterprise, always follow the Party's policy, certainly right! Zhejiang is the pilot of China's common prosperity. As a listed enterprise in Zhejiang, we need to further discuss how to make certain contributions to the country in terms of common prosperity. Although some work has been done, such as equity incentives, I think the first step should be to make the employees of the enterprise rich first, and then to support some public welfare in society. The premise is that as an enterprise, as an employee of the enterprise, how to do their work well? To study hard, in addition to learning the party's knowledge, how to improve technology, how to take the lead by example, have the courage to take responsibility, dare to be responsible, meet difficulties head-on. This is what we as party members of the enterprise actively want to do. Of course, there are already some heroes around us, and that is Kinson's most beautiful rebels who supported the Vietnam base during the pandemic."

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