Jasan Group held 2023 Annual Work Conference and "Cost Reduction and Efficiency Mobilization Conference"


The sound of the New Year's salute brings us good luck, send the golden tiger, fruitful; Welcome the Jade rabbit, full of confidence! On the afternoon of February 10, 2023, Jasan Group headquarters held the "2023 Annual Work Conference and Mobilization Conference for Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement". All the staff of the group headquarters attended the conference, mid- and high level managers of six production bases at home and abroad and their subsidiaries attended the conference by video, jointly opening a magnificent chapter in 2023!

The company held a grand and enthusiastic 2023 annual work conference and mobilization conference for cost reduction and efficiency improvement to earnestly summarize the achievements made in 2022; Grand commendation of advanced collectives and outstanding employees who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the company in 2022; At the same time, the major work items in 2023 are also arranged and deployed.

2022 Jasan President's Special Award of the Year

Group headquarters Advanced Collective & Excellent Employee Award 

The meeting was divided into four sections: Firstly, the winners of the 2022 President's Special Award, Advanced Group Award and Excellent Employee Award were commended; Secondly, Ms. Guo Xianghong, vice president of the Group, made a sales summary in 2022 and share sales strategies in 2023. Then the general manager of each base issued this year's core task "cost reduction and efficiency" to make a statement; Finally, Mr. Zhang Maoyi, President of the Group, made a summary speech to the meeting.

Group President  Mr. Zhang Maoyi

Mr. Zhang analyzed the operating results, outstanding performance and shortcomings in 2022, and deployed the goals and measures for 2023. He pointed out that 2023 will be a more difficult year, although the COVID-19 pandemic may end in the near future, but the global political and economic landscape has changed dramatically, the global supply chain system will also change more, local sourcing will become a trend, the decline in consumer purchasing power, will provide more opportunities for lower-priced products. We should continue to carry forward the spirit of "seeing a tiger as a bull", put "stability" first, practice the business tradition of "hard work, diligence and frugality", reduce costs, and successfully weather the economic winter.

At the meeting, the chairman emphasized the theme of "cost reduction and efficiency improvement" in 2023, improving the core competitiveness of "low cost, high quality and short delivery time", and reducing the cost of enterprises to resist the cold current of the economy should first be adopted and is the most effective strategy. First of all, we should strengthen the publicity of "reducing cost and increasing efficiency", guide employees to establish a sense of crisis, cost and responsibility, and let every employee deeply understand that employees and the enterprise are a community of shared future. "Reducing costs and increasing efficiency" is not only for the benefit of enterprises, but also for the benefit of employees. At the same time, each base and its subsidiaries are required to have specific goals, specific implementation plans, strengthen lean management, and accelerate information construction.

The meeting ended successfully with the applause of the chairman's wonderful speech. The end of the epidemic came at the end of 2022. In the past three years, while fighting the epidemic, we worked hard to manage the business. With a strong corporate spirit of "facing difficulties head-on and turning crises into opportunities", we delivered a satisfactory result with high team execution. I believe that under the leadership of the president, health grand family of more than ten thousand employees, unity and forge ahead, we will always walk out of the cold, into the warm!

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